"I haven't seen anything like this since I left England. I feel like I am back in the English Countryside."
As the winter season approaches, one of terra firma's on-going projects is progressing steadily. Terra firma's design of a unique brick garden wall that frames the front yard perennial beds for this seacoast residence has come to completion.
The project will resume in the spring with the installation of the remainder of the plants.
The brick garden wall was custom designed to reflect the mixed media of the building's exterior, while shaping the garden space and providing informal seating in the form of stones protruding from the wall.
The images that follow show the wall in construction to completion.
- See more at: http://www.outinthelandscape.com/blog/2014/11/as-the-winter-season-approaches-one-of-terra-firmas-on-going-projects-is-progressing-steadily-a-unique-brick-garden-wall-th.html#sthash.BZYqE65X.dpuf"I haven't seen anything like this since I left England. I feel like I am back in the English Countryside."
As the winter season approaches, one of terra firma's on-going projects is progressing steadily. Terra firma's design of a unique brick garden wall that frames the front yard perennial beds for this seacoast residence has come to completion.
The project will resume in the spring with the installation of the remainder of the plants.
The brick garden wall was custom designed to reflect the mixed media of the building's exterior, while shaping the garden space and providing informal seating in the form of stones protruding from the wall.
The images that follow show the wall in construction to completion.
- See more at: http://www.outinthelandscape.com/blog/2014/11/as-the-winter-season-approaches-one-of-terra-firmas-on-going-projects-is-progressing-steadily-a-unique-brick-garden-wall-th.html#sthash.BZYqE65X.dpuf"I haven't seen anything like this since I left England. I feel like I am back in the English Countryside."
As the winter season approaches, one of terra firma's on-going projects is progressing steadily. Terra firma's design of a unique brick garden wall that frames the front yard perennial beds for this seacoast residence has come to completion.
The project will resume in the spring with the installation of the remainder of the plants.
The brick garden wall was custom designed to reflect the mixed media of the building's exterior, while shaping the garden space and providing informal seating in the form of stones protruding from the wall.
The images that follow show the wall in construction to completion.
- See more at: http://www.outinthelandscape.com/blog/2014/11/as-the-winter-season-approaches-one-of-terra-firmas-on-going-projects-is-progressing-steadily-a-unique-brick-garden-wall-th.html#sthash.BZYqE65X.dpuf"I haven't seen anything like this since I left England. I feel like I am back in the English Countryside."
As the winter season approaches, one of terra firma's on-going projects is progressing steadily. Terra firma's design of a unique brick garden wall that frames the front yard perennial beds for this seacoast residence has come to completion.
The project will resume in the spring with the installation of the remainder of the plants.
The brick garden wall was custom designed to reflect the mixed media of the building's exterior, while shaping the garden space and providing informal seating in the form of stones protruding from the wall.