The design intention of the streetscape renovation was to create a lush and inviting outdoor lobby to extend the theater experience for the users and to make the surrounding sidewalks and streets much safer. To do this, a telephone pole with an electric transformer will be moved to free up buses to turn on to Chestnut Street and not clog up the back alley. Sculptural seating walls are provided, the grade is leveled by the new paving, the traffic calmed, and new planting will enhance the space.
This project is yet to be built, but has been featured at a PechaKucha talk sponsored by 3S Artspace. You can see the presentation in the ‘Video’ link on this website.
The concept design was done with engineering provided by Altus Engineering of Portsmouth and site perspectives by Tangram 3DS of Kittery, ME.
In the News:
The arch mentioned in the Portsmouth Herald, above, is based on design elements from the historic doorways, architecture, and furniture pediments of Portsmouth. As such, it creates a strong sense of threshold, directing people to not just the Music Hall, but the African Burial Ground and other cultural entities too. Beyond the historic references, the arch also has muscular detailing similar to the new Memorial Bridge, like prominent nuts and bolts, and will serve a valuable way-finding function for city visitors.
Terrence Parker of Terra Firma Landscape Architecture presents a design to bring an outdoor lobby to the Music Hall in Portsmouth, NH in this PechaKucha presentation featuring 20 slides with 20 seconds per slide.
Click on any thumbnail for a larger view.